Khushi Pandey
@khushiee16 · 1:42

Social connections

Social connection can help us lower our anxiety, depression and everything. It actually helps us to regulate our emotions, lead to higher self esteem and empathy and they actually improve our immune system. By neglecting our needs to connect, we actually put our health at risk. Well, I am not saying all this. This is scientifically proven. Connection is when two or more people interact with each other and each person feel valued, seen and heard without a judgment

#swellcast #askswell

Taha Abbas
@taha_oracle · 4:49
That's something that anybody would understand, because there are more expectations and we naturally want to be accepted, loved. We need attention, which begins with our parents, our siblings, cousins and all that. Although I like to spend time with myself, I do also desire to connect with others. And it does break my heart when I feel that people who I grew up with, they act as if you mean nothing to them. I know that people have their own life and they get busy