Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 4:32

There really need to be a discussion to talk about truth in 2023

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There's no way in the world that it's okay for us to be sitting here claiming God and quoting Scripture and everything of that matter, and you're still talking negative because God and negativity don't mix. Godliness and righteousness do not mix with sin and negativity. It doesn't. I don't know where you think it does, but it don't. And the fact of the matter is, this conversation, this discussion, it gave me a lot of insight from different perspectives

#isaidwhatisaid #godaboveall

Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 0:47


Um because I am about my father's business, when he gives me the opportunity to do so, yes, I definitely have to be able to be bold enough to speak what is supposed to be spoken. So I thank you so much and may your day be blessed as well. Bye