I'm getting tired because the thing is, when you come into an age where you have learned all that you can as far as, like, relationship goes, willing to learn more and develop a mindset to want to be with someone if God allows you to. You're out here, you're doing what you're doing

#imdone #isaidwhatisaid #godonlyknows

Ray B
@raykob · 1:14

How Social Media can help if used right

Hey, Crystal. I wanted to introduce an idea that might help address some of your concerns, and it has to do with social media and the way it packages people. These platforms often emphasize curated images and content. They also offer an opportunity for authenticity and concern. But in a world where it's easy to package ourselves, some individuals use social media as a platform to express their genuine selves, sharing both their triumphs and struggles
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 2:37


I'm only interested in with people who are seeking after God, who want to change their life around for the better, and who is willing and able to share their testimony openly and share their life with their brothers and sisters in Christ so we all can be joined spiritually through what it is we're sharing and experiencing through our social media platform. So, yeah, I thank you for the time and opportunity to even to post what you had just said for commenting. I thank you so much for that
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 2:15


They respond on what we pour out to them. Because if we're sitting up there pouring out to people that's not responding by pouring back into us, we're going to be messed up. We're definitely going to be messed up. And it's not okay. So when you come across a person or a situation and it don't feel right in your spirit to even deal with it, just walk away from it. It'll be hard. It will definitely be hard