Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 4:58

Why am I not finishing Him, Her and then… them

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And I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. And I wanted to pay respect by doing this story. But the further I was getting into the story, the more I see that it wasn't really okay. It was interesting to think that this would have been a good thing to do. But honestly speaking, I have my own personal issues


Anielle Reid
@magickandmedium · 4:56
I just felt like wanting to ask you, have you read this book? I literally had to go to my cover to find it. So the one that I'm talking about is called the man. God has for you seven traits to help you determine your life partner. And I've read it, and I thought that it was just absolutely fantastic, super short. And the other book that I have, it's called He's Lying SIS uncovered the truth behind his words and Actions
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 3:26


He says a lot of things that we women need to be aware of when it comes to a man or whatever, even when it comes to us and what it is that's going right or wrong in relationship now, I've been married now for six years, and it's rough. I don't know no other way of putting it. I'm trying so hard not to break down and cry right now
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@Swell · 0:15

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J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:07
To be grateful for people who are in your life from a space of understanding that all relationships end. They end one of two ways. Either someone in the dynamic says I am done, or someone in the dynamic dies
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 3:32


He didn't want to hear nothing that I had to say spiritually and try to help him from a spiritual aspect. So I had to remove myself. I had to pray whatever was going on with me and him, I had to pray it away. And God moved him out my life for a reason. So me trying to pave honor to him and why he was here on this earth by making that story, it was good for what it was at the point that I came up with the idea
Anielle Reid
@magickandmedium · 5:00


Thanks for responding. I'm curious about the tea on Stephen Speaks. I'm in a place where I want to focus on myself. I literally am like kind of in my healing process and in allowing myself to love myself. So I am trying my best to take an active break from men and try to understand them and read stuff on it. Because for most of my life, my life was living for the male gays
Anielle Reid
@magickandmedium · 5:00
He was very much, so if you leave, like, I'm not going to give you a divorce because you're not getting any of this money. So I had to reach financial freedom in order to do it, but I did it, and I have my own place and my own business, and it's very doable. And I'm in New Jersey, so it's expensive