Kim Alexey
@kenpak · 2:09

second post about me.

Hello everyone is at my second post in Israel and I want about my life and I have 31 years and I live in now in St. Petersburg and I have a job in Central. So is it a magazine of all products of Sony and I can consult if you need some help with TV, PlayStations audio techniques. I'm a Korean and I was born in 30 years ago. My parents was borrowed in that country from 98 years. Yes, it was 23 years ago

Family, russian, spb, swell

Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:57

Are you learning Russian?

I'm always curious to hear stories about people living abroad and especially when there's any kind of length barrier, because I hope someday to be able to do it myself. So I'm curious to hear anything you have to share about that and looking forward to talking more with you
Kim Alexey
@kenpak · 2:44

Answer and telling eng

Maybe that English speaking in 18th century, maybe 15th century on England. Well yes, it's very old and I have more communication people and reading literature and articles about it and other products because if I want starting in user experience designer and I have started now and maybe in the future I get it professional because if I want to live in Russian and create a new home, maybe in USA, Canadian, Australia everywhere
Kim Alexey
@kenpak · 2:08

English, exchange, speak

American house has native English because sometimes I can translate from English and Russian language from anything words, phrases and other. Can I tell? But I want you open for me English words when I get time for time I want ring on English. Maybe you can tell me where I can read something interesting about Americans, maybe American cultures and other for me I have interesting and literature. I know the figurative great Gatsby and I know the Tennessee Williams and I read a few