mike smith
@kdroc1983 · 0:59

First day on swell and seizures

Just remember there is always somebody that has some kind of disability. I'm out here trying to reach these people that have seizures, just like I do, to help and support them, just like people are supporting me. If you want to reach out to me, just let me know. My mind as well as a kid. We're. Bye


Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 1:22
Welcome to Swell and thank you for sharing your story. I don't think this gets talked about enough, so I'm glad that you're bringing attention to it so people can be mindful. I am curious to know what do you do when or do for a person that's having a seizures? What do you do, how do you support them? That needs to be talked about because I don't know. I would like to know
mike smith
@kdroc1983 · 1:50


I wish we could all have it fixed, but in time I hopefully it does. Job wise, it takes a toll on you. I've lost jobs because of that. Where I live, it's a right to work state. They don't have to tell you why they're letting you go. So there has been times where I get frustrated but remind myself, you're alive, you're here the next day, and that's all that matters
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 1:57


Could you explain the different type of Caesars that people might experience? Some people are not born with them or they have them throughout their childhood, adolescent, preteen teen, so forth and so on. But was wondering, can you develop Caesar's late in life? Right? You can be perfectly fine and then all of a sudden you just go into having these episodes and they basically come out of nowhere. Can can you elaborate on that and just let us know the different types?
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 1:45
So I can't really articulate when that just started, but I can say I distinctly noticed it about a good two and a half to three years ago where I was mike, that's an interesting disclaimer to put at the start of this movie or this show that we're watching
mike smith
@kdroc1983 · 2:59


And I had a friend that also is epileptic and when she drives if the police is coming round with their she's got to pull over because she'll have one. Luckily for me, I don't have that problem more. Mike is stress related and I have more of them at night time when I do have them. But there's so much awareness about seizures that people don't know. And every day I'm learning new things