Kay Sayed
@KaySayed · 3:41

Naatu Naatu ko mila Oscar but song is average

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Same with Armand Kay Hookah talent. This is what I felt. I am sorry if I have hurted anyone

#naatunaatusong #oscar2023 #mmkeerawani

Sumran Jot Singh
@Sumranjs · 0:36

@KaySayed https://app.swell.life/swellcast/TwBd

I totally agree with you. And I was also wondering exactly what is so different in this song to be qualified for Oscars? There was a post a few days ago and I replied with similar thoughts. But I think you brought out everything that was on my mind as well. I'm sharing the link to that conversation. Do listen. But I am 100% with you. Thanks for sharing
article image placeholder@Sumranjs