Kristi James
@KayK · 4:39

Luv Trialz and Luv Trialz 2 on Amazon

Now, part two, of course, it has the same character from part one, and it's different little things she go through, but it's more spicier, more interesting. The way that I describe my books are urban fiction, but good. They urban fiction. Not too gritty, no drug dealer stuff, none of that. None of that. Just urban fiction with some girls. Some stuff they go through
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:27
Hey, congrats on your book. Thanks for sharing about it. Here on swell. I'm curious if you can post the link in the description if you respond to this well, you can post the link, so then folks can be able to click and find you on there. That's really great. There's a lot of amazing people here on Swell. A lot of poets, a lot of writers too. So while welcome to the community
Kristi James
@KayK · 0:35

