@Kavya._gopal · 4:38

Connecting with your inner child

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So now you do have an opportunity to do it. Rather than choosing not to engage with the happier part of ourselves, we can make a conscious decision to engage with it. Feeling more connected to your inner child can add more lightness into your overall life. It's just not just during that period of time. It trickles down into the other areas of your life as well. So once you start doing it, it just percolates it to other activities and other parts of your life and other people

How to connect with your inner child in a world that is constantly demanding #mentalhealth #innerchildhealing #mentalhealthawareness #campusradio

Avi Chand
@avichand · 4:59

https://s.swell.life/STXLD4wJ72a8ehr @Aishani

One starts thinking about making a house, buying a couple of cars, having some bank balance for your retirement. So those things become your priorities and somewhere along the way and it's not easy, right? Because you have to navigate the complexities of the real world and you have to navigate the complexities of interpersonal relationships and so on and so forth, and soft skills and so on and so forth. So it's not easy. And somehow, somewhere, you forget, you become serious
article image placeholderLive the dream!
Manya Munjal
@manyamunjal · 0:40
Indeed, your thought on that we must connect with our inner child is indeed an absolutely true greetings. I'm Manya Munjal, and in my swell castle I described that how people have become so frustrated with life that they have stopped living it and they are just spending it. I believe that one must be conscious and aware enough to heal themselves, to have fun with themselves and to care for themselves. We all do have an inner child and that must be protected at all costs
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

@Kavya._gopal · 2:16


And rather than waiting for till everything is completely settled, because sometimes that's never the case, we can opt for spending 15 minutes doing something that we thoroughly enjoy and that will actually improve our wellbeing and that will contribute to our career success or something else that we are passionate about
@Kavya._gopal · 0:20


Hi, Manya. It's lovely to hear some news. So I'm glad that you also feel the same way that life is supposed to be enjoyed and not just, you know, just existing. Rather we must all live rather than exist, and we have to make choices that will help us live rather than exist