Kapish Razdan
@KapRaz8800 · 0:33

#MyProfile | Kapish Razdan

Hello. Hi everyone. Coverage this site. I'm HR professional. I'm a side by side. I'm a writer, I'm a poet. It's my passion. It's not something I persuade to. But yes, I love writing poems and I love writing stories. Plus, I'm a cook hotel professional also. So yes, I'm primarily a hotel professional. Then I'm an HR, so I love cooking. I love cooking food. That's it from my side


Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:25


Hi Kapish. Welcome on swell. My name is Aishani, and I'm a part of the Swell team. After listening to Introductory Swell, and since you mentioned that you're a writer as well, I am attaching a link to another Swell which I think you might really like. It is by a fellow writer of yours. So do check that spell out, and if you like it, do drop a reply on it and welcome once again
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