Kapish Razdan
@KapRaz8800 · 4:17

Kashmiri Cuisine of Kashmiri Pandits

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So basically, what I'm trying to say is Kmiri cuisine, if you have if you get the chance, please go for it. Just taste it and just compare it with a vaz one and just get some. What do you understand from that thing? And do let me know on on the same as well. Thank you. Shabbaka namaskar by

#swell #india #kashmiripandit #kashmir #srinagar #namaskar

Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 0:32
Hi, Capesh. Thank you so much for this recommendation. I have tried the malu and since we enjoyed so much because my mother used to make this when we were children, when we were young. And since then it has been a very integral part of our family celebrations. But the others I haven't tried. So I will definitely give them a try and let you know how it went. Thank you so much for sharing