Kannon Redd
@Kannon · 1:35

Transgender Performance

It's. Alright? So I want to start off by saying that, listen, I have nothing against anybody who wants to be what they are, who they believe they're born to be, so on and so forth. But my personal opinion is that drag shows at elementary schools, at kids school in general, elementary, middle school, high school point being is it doesn't need to be done




Ah, perspectives like this always raise interesting questions for me. The first is if we look back on history at various places around the planet, shakespeare, for example, plenty of other cultures as well, when there was a performance, every role in a play, regardless of the gender, was always played by a man. And so if it was a woman, a role the man had dress like a woman. This wasn't a problem then. And why is it a problem now?
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@FateSlicer815 · 4:58

We live in a twisted world.

There was this whole push for women's rights, and now that's just all been thrown out the window and completely cut out. And everybody's okay with that now, I guess. But I think there's a lot of people that aren't, and I think there's a lot of people in the LGBTQ community that are not for it, because they know where it leads