Kannon Redd
@Kannon · 1:48

Who can you call upon??

Who is that one and only friend, that one and only figure who you're willing to go to and you're willing to say, hey, I need help. Hey, I'm having a bad day. Your significant other, is it your pet? What is it? A lot of people have nothing. A lot of people have no one. So it's just one of those general thoughts. So fool for thought you something to eat on


Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:08
Normally I think I don't really have somebody like that, but of course I do. I think there's maybe like a barrier that we put up sometimes as well. I don't want to burden anybody or I should be able to figure this out on my own, but this is a really good question and it's making me think a lot about that and how I really enjoy being there for the people that need me