Kandy Bennett
@KandyB · 1:44

Be thankful

You. I'm thankful that I have breath because people try to take that away from me. I'm thankful that knowing somebody that's went through a traumatic experience, I wouldn't keep putting them through it. Me, myself, I wouldn't. So I'm thankful I'm not that way. And I'm grateful full for people that show me who they really are. Because even in bad situations, you can find good

#TellYourStory "An experience that taught me the importance of gratitude" #DailyPrompt22Nov23

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:58

#greif #condolences #holidays

That although there's challenging times, there's oftentimes beauty that waits for us in those challenges. And if not in that moment, then the next day or the next sunrise or sunset. But I saw this post. Just wanted to respond and say sending you love and trust that you got through Thanksgiving with some amount of joy way and that you'll be feeling better and good as new in no time. Sending you lots of love. Bye