Kanchana Banerjee
@kanchana2016 · 3:44

Starting a new story

You, I'm a writer. Even before I published my first book, stories had been swirling in my head for almost as far back as I can remember. And I live in the world of the characters I create, the characters that want to create. And today I am sitting down to write a story that has been in my mind, in my heart for a very, very long time. It's not my story. It's nobody's story
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:12
There are writers who write poems in English and there are writers who make sharis in Hindi. So there are various kinds of writers, different set of publishers. So I guess this platform gives you an opportunity to interact with people aligned to the goals that you have. And you'll get lots and lots of opportunities to share your ideas with people and to revert back to the ideas that they share. And I feel that you'll obviously have a great journey with this well platform