Kalpana Dhewa
@kalpanadhewa · 0:34

They lied

You. They lied. They all fucking lied. It doesn't get all okay with time. Sometimes it gets worse. And you will have no one with you. You'll always be alone because your suffering is not for others. It's for you. And it'll change you forever. With every passing day. You will never be the same person you were yesterday


ash dew
@ashdew · 1:12
According to them, they might be absolutely correct. So I think that is one way of thinking how you are thinking. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but this is how I think
Surya V
@welcome28 · 4:05
Hello. Namaskar. Yes, I do agree with you. People change. One thing that is permanent in this life is change. Change can be assured. One thing that cannot be changed is death. Except in the circumstance of death. While everybody are living their life, they change. And yes, I do agree with you. People won't be same yesterday or today. Forget about yesterday and today. Last minute