Kriti Aggarwal
@KAggarwal · 1:17

The Maidens (Alex Michaelides) Book Review

The book glutes one to their chair, and as the mystery slowly unravels, the readers find themselves being pulled in and in. In the world of Cambridge, the plot weaves together, forming such a well woven net that one cannot help but get trapped into the lies it's feeding you until the truth walks to you with a knife in hand. In conclusion, the book is worth a try and will teach one to not poke their noses into other businesses unless they want it bloody and bitten

#bookreview #bookreviewweek

Kriti Aggarwal
@KAggarwal · 1:53
Hello Anupriya, thanks for your reply. So your first question is what differentiates from other places? I'm not exactly able to understand what you mean by that. So would you please elaborate a bit? Also, as for your second question, if there is a trigger warning, the trigger warning would be if you are not comfortable with Gore blood and basically modern and serial killering then I would say then you don't read it because it at point has some real explicit content regarding that