Chantal B
@journeyofspirit · 1:01

Why I Heal

You why I Heal I'm healing because I want to find more happiness in life. I'm healing because I need to enjoy life rather than survive it. I'm healing because I deserve to take care of myself in the same capacity I take care of others. I'm healing because I feel tired of faking be okay or pushing away my emotions. I'm healing because I see how the path I am on is not sustainable for my mental health. I'm healing because I love myself so much

#healing #spirituality #faith



So I think that what you've written here is an invitation to people, as they hear it, to invite them to step outside of whatever box they put themselves in and to allow themselves to begin that healing process. That's the invitation. And hearing your words, that's the invitation, I believe, that one could receive from what? Erode so thanks for sharing that. Have a great day. Bye