Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 2:37

Road snacks

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You. I hope everybody's having a good day. So I just went to the Dollar General and picked out some stuff because I'm driving. I had to visit a client about one and a half and hours away from me, right on the Tennessee Alabama border. And I'm driving home and I'm like, all right, I'm just going to get some road snacks. I had some on my way down here, and then I ate them all. Now I'm going back
Curtis Tarver
@cwt302 · 1:19
Typically if we are stopping for meals, it'll be at some sort of eating establishment, but for snacks, yeah, road trip car snacks are always going to be the wild, wild west. There are a few things that I tend towards and to be honest, they're the sorts of things that I probably really only get on road trips. Combos are one of them. The round pretzels that are typically stuffed with something. I tend to go for the nacho cheese ones or the pizza ones
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 1:38


But, yeah, I think if I get Twizzlers at the movie theater, I'm going to bite the tip off of each end and use it as a straw so you can get that cherry, whatever flavor it is. And they're hollow and pretty plasticky, but they do. My go to is usually gummy bears or, like, Peanut Eminem. Yeah, good call. And I do remember that name. Good call
Carly D
@Astroality · 2:00
Lemonade, water, tea, all that stuff is my go to. But if I'm going to go stop at the store, I didn't pack my own snacks or we didn't have time or whatever. I do pumpkin seeds. I do cinnamon bears. I do beef jerky. So I also look like a five year old who's been shopping at the convenience store. Those are the kinds of things that I like. I love to do bubble gum. Let's see. Pistachios
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 2:05


You. All right, so you lost me in overnight oats. I tried overnight oats before, and I just can't get over the texture of them. To me, it's just kind of like sponge. Wet, spongy. Wet and spongy. Wet and spongy. Not gonna eat it. Wet and spongy. Not gonna eat it. Oh. Um I mean, yeah, everything else sounds good. I don't know. Like, I do all the driving. Sorry?
Carly D
@Astroality · 0:39


What spongy? Why are you so funny? And why do you make me laugh till I cry? Okay, but have you tried it with, like, fresh fruit in it? Like, crisp apples and nuts and things like that? They give it crunch. I'm telling you. I make them so good. They're one of my, like, everyone who knows me and who I cook for
Carly D
@Astroality · 0:43
Also. Yeah. How the heck did I forget the Gummy Colas? Their gummy colas are my favorite. The Haribo is the only brand that I eat. But their Gummy Colas are the bomb. I love them so much. Yeah. So, so good. So yeah. Those are usually on my list of most wanted snacks as well. I know you don't think Pringles are chips, but I like Pringles too. Yeah. And you know what else I love? That cheese road snacks mix
Smita Ruth S
@SmitaRuth-24 · 1:00
But if I'm really hungry and if I want to eat something, like if it's a long journey and if we are not able to find a good restaurant where we can have good food so this is my life tarver that I carry, and it is homemade, and I like to eat these. It is called murmura kurmura and safe. I don't know what it's called in English, but this is something which I like to eat
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J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:54
I can't even think right now to do nothing really, to not really snack like that if I'm driving, because I'm not really a driver. Like, I have a trip to take tomorrow, literally overnight. I could really do it in one day, but I'm being a baby about it. So I'm going to stay overnight and it is going to be two and a half hours. You know what, I might not stay overnight. I might just go and then come back
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 1:26


It but I love jelly belly jelly beans, and I'll dig into some of the unique flavors, too. I'm the one that's usually driving, and so I get to pick the music and I get to pick the food that I'm eating. And I like to have a little bit of a crunch in there so it can kind of, like, keep me awake
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 0:44


Thank you so much for sharing. I'm sorry for my late response. I thought that I actually responded to it earlier. I guess we would call that puffed rice. I looked it up, and that sounds really, really good. We have a cereal here called Rice Krispies that's pretty much that, just without all the extra flavors
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 3:58


And actually, fun fact, one time my dad actually said, if you don't shut up, I'm going to turn this car around. And we tried him, and he turned it around and he called off that trip. Yeah, I thought I responded to this a little bit sooner, but yeah, I'll talk to you later
Carly D
@Astroality · 2:18


I don't know, it's just a weird thing I have. So I totally get it if that's not your thing, but I love to make them with fresh fruit, especially like really crisp apples and some nuts and some things like that. I know that you can't nuts and nuts because of your son, which makes sense. But the things that are you could even do seeds. I don't know if you can do like sunflower seeds, but like all that
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 4:25


If you look into my refrigerator, you're just going to see a whole bunch of different types of drinks and condiments. Another thing, like mayonnaise. I'm just starting in my forty s to appreciate mayonnaise because first, when I was younger, I would only put it on turkey sandwiches like mayonnaise, which is just for turkey sandwiches. Everything else gets mustard and then, like, roast beef. Had got ketchup. Yeah, it's weird
Carly D
@Astroality · 1:45
I'm going to try the pineapple ones because we've never had the pineapple ones, but I feel like they're going to be super good, so I'll let you know. I don't know if you've tried the pineapple ones, but I love it. I do love cottage cheese. I love cottage cheese with salt and pepper. Okay. Or if you add salsa to cottage cheese, it makes the best dip, especially, like, on a tortilla chip. Oh, my God