Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 1:05

Something to think about…

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What do you think about that? Is your mind blown? Are you thinking, what are you smoking? And give me some. Or are you thinking, you know what? Yes, she is

#askswell #joke

I don't know why this makes me laugh, but I would have to agree
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 0:21


Ah. I knew there was something going on. You're right. It is Wednesday. Well, shit. I yeah, I think I need some more coffee and some tacos
Carly D
@Astroality · 0:59
Like, literally, the next time I fill out a resume, I'm gonna put, at one point, I was a living sub arena. I'm going to put the dates because I think that is hilarious. Also, I agree that tacos can for sure be eaten on every single day, not just Tuesdays. I love tacos. Although I'm not eating tacos today, I must admit. I'm having a chili rano and Spanish rice for lunch