Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 2:09

The impression that I get.

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I was like, all right, how would you do an impression of me? She said, okay, this is my impression of you sleeping. Are you snoring? She's like, yes. Daddy, my impression of you sleeping is you snoring. I was laughing so hard. I was like, okay, do you have any other impression of me? She's like, yes, I do. She's like, what are you doing? She's like, farting
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 2:56
I find those to be very enjoyable. It almost, in a way, serves as, like, a teaching tool on things I can work on as well. I mean, I can't correct it completely because it's a part of me. It's not even necessarily a bad thing. It's just that's what they see, and I'm always thankful for that
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:28
And maybe I am, but there's definitely a nice balance with the no. So I love that. I love doing this with my boyfriend as well, too. And we can see each other, and it's good because it's kind of like, tell me how you see me. How am I really showing up in this relationship? So it's really good to see that. But usually it's all fun. But even if it's not, it's still a teachable moment


Ah, I was just loving before you even got started because you had that tone in your voice at first of like, you're going to deliver a dad joke, but it wasn't quite that. And I was just like, oh, what is this going to be? Anyway? It just made me laugh. I have a friend, we like to share audio messages, and you sometimes never know what bodily noise might be coming your way. It just made me laugh. Impressions
Carly D
@Astroality · 0:24
It's. This is hilarious. And clearly sydney has your same sense of humor. I am excited to try this. I'm going to ask my son to do an impression of me and see what I get. I don't know. I'm a little nervous but kind of excited and I think it'll be funny. So, yeah, I'll definitely check in when I have an answer for
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 0:46


It's like, a good thing, but it definitely shows something kaye about the other person or view. And now that we're grown up immature, we could sure say, like, you know what, fuck off and walk away
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 0:36


So my my three year old was doing an impression of me, and his impression of me was actually for what I say to my eight year old, did you brush your teeth? Did you go potty? Did you go brush your teeth? Did you go potty? And then, like, he comes up to me and, like, he's like, did you go potty? Did you go potty? Yeah. Because all I'm saying to my kids is, did you brush your teeth?


I don't know if everyone will hear the tone or not. I pick up on patterns and I'm hypersensitive to certain things. And there's like this kid in a candy store sort of vibe that you have as you're building up to it that's different from the way that you deliver other swells. And I don't know exactly how to articulate what that thing is that I'm detecting, but it's there


Okay. Question for you. Would you be willing to record when your son does the impression of you and then after you listen to it, if you're comfortable with it, share it? I think it would be a really lovely moment. But I can also understand if it's overly you know how kids are very frank, so I can understand sometimes it not being comfortable. But just in case, I thought I would host the thought in case it was something you might entertain
Carly D
@Astroality · 0:24


Absolutely. I totally am up for this. Absolutely. 100%. He is very frank, which is just his natural nature, his personality. So I'm used to it. And yes, I will absolutely record it. I will absolutely share it. It'll be hilarious either way, because, like you said, kids, they say the darndest things, or whatever it is that they say, right? Yeah