John Hulsey
@JohnHulsey · 1:08

#TellYourStory | I experienced a culture shock when...

It wasn't culture shock of being in Europe or culture shock of being in Germany. The culture shock was realizing that some other American was so oblivious to international cultures that he had this completely unrealistic and ridiculous expectation. So there was one of my big first culture shocks. Bye

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp1 #sdp16Jan24 @rocio

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:39
That is such a great take on this prompt. And, yeah, I love that. It's so funny when that happens. The culture shock of your culture, meeting another culture, like seeing it face to face and the reaction that that can bring out of people is, yeah, it's so great when you travel, you learn about the place where you're at, but you learn, learn more about yourself and the people around you and the reactions that people have when met with something different