Jessica McMillan
@JLMcMillan · 4:58

Introducing SadGirl: A surf board, a country bar and a Tarantino movie

article image placeholderSadGirl
I hear a little bit of Deer Hunter, especially Mono Mania album when I listen to that. And then I think about like Country Bar when I hear their new single Hello, really like that. They're not at all ashamed of again wearing their hearts on their sleeves and playing sentimental things and balancing out that tough edge. And some of their ballads are truly heart rendering like this one that sounds like it's straight out of John Lennon

#sadgirl #music #recommend https://s.swell.life/SSg0TiVVblAkGLp https://open.spotify.com/playlist/31Z3oC8di9cJrl8j1Wiy8P?si=-qKmqGBmSCad87Gr-fJx2A&dl
