Bryan Jim
@Jim-Bryan · 0:03


Hi, everyone

Hello everyone, please I'm New here and I will love to meet New people all around the world.Please can we be friends

Claudia Walsh
@Claudie52 · 0:25
Hi, Jim. My name is Claudia. Happy to get to know you. It'll be fine. Just woke up, so I'm not sure what you want to know. So why don't you tell me what you need to know and I'll give you the answers? All right? Goodbye
Bryan Jim
@Jim-Bryan · 0:32

@Claudie52 Hi Here's my email Claudie you can message me directly to my email bryanjim66@gmail.com

Hello Kadia. How you doing? Tell me, how is the day going? And how are you doing with your family and friends and loved ones? Hope all is well with you guys. Due to my type of job, I don't really spend much time here on this app. So that's why I'm sending you my email. You can message me directly on my mail so when I'm at work, sometimes I can be able to communicate with you. What do you think?
Claudia Walsh
@Claudie52 · 0:25
You? Well, I don't really think it's a good idea because I don't know you at all. And you don't know me at all. So what do we have in common, really? So what would be the point? I don't get it. If you have a more detailed view of this, let me know. But I don't really think it's a good idea
Bryan Jim
@Jim-Bryan · 0:43


So I really love to hear from you and also to know from you. So tell me, where are you from? You got kids? Where do you live? And some stuff like that. So I just love to know more about
Claudia Walsh
@Claudie52 · 1:49


Hey. Hi. I'm gonna tell you I'm 17, lives in Delaware. He lives in Delaware and I live with my dog, Cosmic. Two cat. My husband I am not well. I have a very rare neurological disease due to his addiction. I have two more and they're fine. In fact, today they're going to bury their father. I'm not going there because my arm is broken and it really hurts a lot
Bryan Jim
@Jim-Bryan · 0:43

@Claudie52 (HS VIRTUAL CENTERS https://s.swell.life/STlPVZuTIspwTIG

And if you check on top of the adding of this message, the description, I pasted the link there. You can use it to participate. And I believe if you have faith in God, you're going to receive your miracle. Thank you, and also hope to hear from you soon as well as possible
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