Jill Benoff
@jillbenoff · 4:10

Funny Story…Accents…Dialects

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I said, well, yeah, I mean, everybody here does. You think I'd be model? Yeah. So she, like I said, completely forgot anything about the accent, anything about offending anyone, because we have all ethnicities here. We are one big melting pot. But she was more concerned with the fact that she's pretty and she should be a model. But ever since then, I've been practicing Russian
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:47
Hey, Jill, thanks for inviting me to your swell. You know I have an accent. I'm from Kentucky, and I am from the western tip of Kentucky, close to Tennessee. Well, the people who are in the middle of Kentucky do not sound like those people where I'm from. And the people who are eastern Kentucky do not sound like I'm from and sometimes people think that I'm from Georgia
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 2:11


It's. I love ear voice. And so, yeah, I live in Nashville, but I obviously don't have like a southern accent and you definitely do not have a Memphis accent. Memphis accents are so different from anything that I have ever heard. I mean, I think that it's like a mixture of like heavy, heavy Mississippi with Tennessee mixed with mumble. I mean, they just mumble can't understand anything that they're saying out in Memphis
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 3:47
Okay, so the quote unquote Texas accent that you're doing is more just a generic Southern accent. Like, Texans have their are just different than, like, a Southern accent or just, like, an overall Southern accent. And every Southern state has their own Southern accent, too, just like every Northern state has their their own accent. The Boston accent is pretty good. I used to live in Portland, Maine
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:29
Speaking of Arkansas, I lived in Little Rock for a little bit, and I remember I fit right in with them, so I didn't think about that. But, yeah, my voice, I'm good most of the time, but sometimes people just pause and look at me and I'm just like, what? Just like, say it again. I'm just like, no, I'm not going to say it again. No, go on
Jill Benoff
@jillbenoff · 1:32


So they do, like, little sketches. On the other day I was watching it super funny. They were doing Disney characters, and the Southern woman would go, Mini Mouse. And the other lady laughs at her and she'll imitate her and go, Mini Mouse. And they both crack up laughing. And then she says, no, it's Minnie Mouse. And then they did probably a bunch of them snow White. And the lady goes, no, it's not Snow White
Jill Benoff
@jillbenoff · 1:21


That's what we were told when we moved there. And I was little, but my parents always told me that that's what they would say. You just can't get there from here. I wish I could go back to Maine just to visit. Which I may take a New England trip sometime in the future because I miss the pretty colors in the fall. But, yeah, my Texas accent lacked a little luster. Hope you're having a good day, and thank you for sharing
Jill Benoff
@jillbenoff · 0:22

@chitchatwithkk https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT81DQPKe/

Hey, believe it or not, I found that video. They are the funniest women trying to pronounce different things. Maybe that's where my thought came from. I just love them to pieces. Hope you do too. Again, enjoy the rest of your day. And enjoy this TikTok. Because it's funny
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Kannon Redd
@Kannon · 1:07

#love the accent

You. So, as a New Yorker, people always want to say the words hot dog, walk, talk, water, the normal stuff that we always say, normal, us, weird, other folks, but whatever. Then, you know, being that New York is a mountain park, and we got a bunch of things going on around it, too, we have the Africans that come around that we must deal with Napier
Jill Benoff
@jillbenoff · 2:30


Then I moved to Sanford, Brunswick, Lewiston, Maine. Then back to Plymouth, Massachusetts, where I grew up for the most part 8th grade on, until I was in my early thirty s. And then we packed everybody up. Then we moved to Austin, Texas. Whole another story for a different feed. But then I divorced him, moved with my friends to Houston with my son, and then we left Houston about ten years ago, maybe twelve. And we're in Fort Worth
Kannon Redd
@Kannon · 1:50


Hey. So hey. How you doing? I know it's been a couple of days. Sorry about that. Been a little busy, but yeah. So I've always wanted to move to Texas but as a New Yorker, you know, it's kind of hard to just uplift sometimes. Sometimes I say it very loosely because I've been all over the place. Well, not all over, but a few places. I've done the south, though
Jill Benoff
@jillbenoff · 4:42


I mean, I'm used to it now, but it's pretty more erratic than the northeast. Even though when you see a funeral up in the northeast, people cut you off. They'll flip you off. They'll cut you off because they have to get to their exit. I was used to that. When we moved here, my brother had a home health aide. His name was jeff. I know he's still around somewhere, but I haven't seen him since