Divy Srivastava
@jazbaateee · 3:29

Ek rishta anth hojata hai

Kuyapke chaniki bhat ikbarmen le orkniki lako agra darkaska kitna ajib vokayal hojatah jaha hotiti saripati waha IKAR chupi kabanjatah chutkim IK insan kasansar tavahu jata chutkim chuponiko tayyaru Jatai per her rose Bath sunnako karnako samaj Naiko ignore karjata. Kabi kabi kitna ajib a kush mizas rishta hojatahe look durianki pat Chatse man leth or roknaiki samaj nahipati shayad isilia Kilta Vagul dusta murchajata. Shayat Kilta Wagul dusta murchajatah. Sub Brista ajeeb Tarasi anthojata than ever

I was dating a girl and recently had a break and she got engaged to someone else, even after multiple tries, she decided not to come back. So I wrote

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:56
And one thing I always believe is no one is permanent in our life. People keep on coming and going. So we should not bother about what has happened. We should always bother about what shall we do today. So I feel you'll take a right decision and you'll move on and you'll add colors to your life. Thank you