Jasmeet Singh
@Jasmeet2005 · 5:00

Rampant Suicide cases in IIT'S and NIT'S

article image placeholderIIT suicides reveal toxic mix of academic pressure, official apathy and discrimination
You're going to college to learn about new things, explore new things. And there also you are being stuck into that vicious cycle of academic pressure and attendance. Just like then. The main third reason of this situation is the castism and the regionalism, which is still prevalent in many IITs. 37% of the OBC students belonging to sGST as well as OBC cast have admitted that they have been asked about their caste, their ranks in the J and all


Charvi Dhiran
@charvi24 · 2:36
Hi. Just meat. So I feel like you have spoken on a very need to be called out upon topic and especially in our country, the educational background, the competition is huge, okay? It's at a large extent and the amount of burnt out kids we have in our country is just gone to an extent now. You cannot keep up with it