Jaisha Jansena
@jaishajansena · 0:57

alone in this

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You alone in this solitude stuns you. You slap the emptiness around you and it echoes. Loneliness is your weighted shroud you are caught in its web so enmeshed you call it home you can I share my emptiness with you? Can I let you pour into it? I'm so empty. I hold octaves. I carry space like so many warbled balloons. Only my buoyancy has been pierced and poisoned. I settle into my web. Well can connections strained to reach me inside this kingdom?


Khalid Hanif
@theElvnth_Our · 1:05
Greetings. Greetings. Jacia Khalid. I am fresh from listening to your latest offering alone in this and I must admit it was a firstly, it was very relatable. Secondly, it was brilliantly presented. I really appreciate it. The way you gave the words space and your cadence really lended itself to the mood and scope of what you were sharing with us. It's a really poignant and heartfelt. Right. And and how you read it was very enveloping. So I enjoyed it quite a bit