jack 1241
@Jack1111 · 4:20

Riot/start a fire beatbox song

You so literally just came up with this, like, a couple days ago. Don't know how it's gonna sound. Good. Push riot, defeat? Start a fight and defeat? Kill the Titan? Defeat? Start to riot? Start to riot to beat killed my tend to cry in for the life and like liar didn't take the bigger they young, they're not stronger? Adding now featuring Jack. 1241. Start a fire. Ranking number one. I get Simon
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:12
Wow. That's crazy. I have such trouble wrapping my head around beatboxing, and, wow. You do it so effortlessly. So cool. I'm excited to hear more. Thank you. Thank you for sharing it on here
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:15
Jack, this is pretty impressive, man. I've only seen people do this online to this effect, but to keep the rhythm and to hit all the notes and. Yeah, pretty cool, dude. Definitely. I cannot do that at all. But I can appreciate anyone who can. So thanks for sharing