Jinisha Jain
@j_quiller10 · 1:36

To every writer

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Every overthinking mind is a land of creativity. And 90% of the writers are born from overthinking. To everyone who writes and to everyone who puts their running mind to work. A small tribute. I wandered alone with my thoughts, filling up my mind to the brink, wondering why in the name of God do I react so much and overthink? Sometimes I feel my mind would explode with the rush of emotions and words. It magnifies my happy days but in times of adversary doubles the hurt


arjun sp
@JunJun · 1:14
But now, as I've grown and I've learned to use the tool which is overthinking in a way where it's very constructive to the conversations I'm having, like I'm able to go back into respect as well as judge whatever the situation is in a better way because of my overthinking. Although still, sometimes if it's an emotional situation, overthinking can be a bit of a hindrance, but more times than most times, it usually helps me out
Jinisha Jain
@j_quiller10 · 0:08


Honestly, your praise on your review means the world to me. Thank you so much