Ruben Hieb
@iwibody · 3:30

Dear Creator

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As time passes through me, I become more aware of the design behind your work of art. My younger eyes could witness the beauty of this world for sure, but now I see the way you move your brush. None of these paint strokes are mistakes. The colors are too strong to observe all at once. Like an art piece that dances around me, I've fallen in love with your work. It's beauty and complexity, and by default, I've fallen for you

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And I actually am grateful for it to be able to change my perspective and form that relationship and bond with the Most High. So I'm glad that you were able to do that on your journey at this time and that connection most definitely. And perspective is going to brighten up your life for sure. Bring blessings to you. And for me, it is just pleasure to hear your work and your thoughts on life. So again, thank you for sharing