riya shakya
@its_riiyya · 2:11

What is Bhagavad Gita are all about

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So the Bhagavad Gita is such an instruction manual for anyone. It provides the basic answers that the most people have about life. And the universe is preaching truths that can be used by anywhere and at any time in history. And in this way it is timeless. So it's like you have a computer you don't know how to operate, right? The manual is encoded with a key which resides within your computer. So there is no way to record and understand the manual on hand
vaibhav behl
@vaibhavbehl · 2:10


Thank you. Human. How to get over the death of your loved ones. How to get over your anxiety or depression. I am someone who used to be very anxious. Change constant
Lost Millennial
@voiceprojekt · 0:58
Hey Riya, first of all, thanks for inviting me to this topic. Secondly, interesting topic. I haven't read Gita as of now. I wouldn't say that, but I know that why it is known and how it resolves a lot of issues within a person's mind. And it's very subjective how you read it