riya shakya
@its_riiyya · 1:24

It's ok not being in any relationship

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If you have a fulfilling life with social contact like friends and family you probably won't feel lonely. You likely are a great friend, sister, uncle, brother, colleagues, etc. Some people are better than spending time alone than others. And some people are romantic. Others are romantic but still feel better outside our relationship, right? So this is also normal. You suffer under social expectations and cultural norms that you might have allowed to get to your expectations. Let those expectations go. Stop worrying
Lost Millennial
@voiceprojekt · 1:05
It's like an activity for them, and I feel it should not be the case. So a relationship or any such thing should form over time with a person when you feel the same, when you both feel the same. So that's what my belief is, and I think, yes, like, you can still live a normal life without even having any relationship. So I think I agree with you on this
sangeeta srinivasan
@Sangeeta_S · 2:07
Thank you for inviting me to a welcome. I think this is a bit tricky as to be or not to be in a relationship. Is it normal or normal to not want a relationship ship at any point in your life? Well, I just feel we shouldn't think too much about the normality of it. It's all normal, of course, but I feel that we need to look each person needs to look within themselves as to why you want or do not want