riya shakya
@its_riiyya · 1:58

Complicated relationship ... #sayitonswellg

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So if you ever trembled in such situations and can't stop overthink about yours future with him, just remember one thing. The future you are worried about may you not into it. So this is all my views. But now guys, I want your views. Thank you. Bye

Sometimes presence of someone is more important than a relationship u just get addicted to a prsn so desperately that u forgot he's not yours

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 2:24
So thank you for inviting me for this particular swell and I really appreciate your effort in taking up this particular topic. Most of the time as soon as people get into school, the teenage this process of taking up the relationship stats. So at some particular age we are not mature enough to make decisions on what is right and what is wrong. Let us keep it aside