riya shakya
@its_riiyya · 1:50

Did you Relish your last meal

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This is just daunting, mainly due to the fact that there are so many starving individuals who could use all these food. Also, in economics we learned that ultimately all resources on this planet are finite. No ifs, no buts. So the fact that we collectively throw away so much food, even with that in mind, is daunting. We won't see the efforts in our lifetime, nor will your children's grandchildren
mr. Ankit Purohit
@ankit143 · 1:07
But there is a way to tell them that you don't let them eat for their own good and not to prove their choice as wrong or satisfies one's ego. Simple. When you share your last crust of bread with a beggar you mustn't behave as you were throwing a bond to a dog. But for that you can volunteer. You can work for NGOs like Robin Hood army to serve the people they need in night or morning time and you can go for it
Qamar Sultana
@DocQs · 0:09
Thank you for this. Well, I do think that nobody I mean, nobody, ever deserves to be hungry