riya shakya
@its_riiyya · 1:55

My religion

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But it has its own reasons. Also, Hindus teach you to respect all other religions. It doesn't state that only this religion or this code is the only true god. You are allowed to believe in whatever you want. Even if you are at this, you can still consider yourself in Hindu technically. Because technically it isn't a religion, it's a way of life
Aayan B
@aayanisms · 2:53


Hi, Riya. This is Ian. Thanks for inviting me to the Swell. Absolutely. I think if you were to take the conversation forward, the thought processes are as follows. Number one, we need to be absolutely flexible. Number two, be adaptable. And number three, be respectful. If you follow these three principles, then no matter what religion, what background, what ethnicity, what belief system one carries, world can coexist peacefully. I think that is the need of the art
sukirti chand
@sukirti666 · 0:03

Good explanation

Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

riya shakya
@its_riiyya · 0:23


Hey, I am. Thanks for it. Blind, firstly. And you can be, of course I agree with your thoughts that humanity is something which comes after and before sorry, before everything. That is that is something which makes human as human chand animals and everything animals. Right. So, yeah, I give it your thoughts
riya shakya
@its_riiyya · 0:03


It is okay. Dee. Thanks for replying
Lost Millennial
@voiceprojekt · 0:43
I think I very much agree you on this one. So yeah, the good part about the Hinduism is that it allows to have the open interpretations to preach your god the way you want to. And I think that's a a really beautiful thing because it is not supposed to be stick to a very universal kind of thing. So it very much depends upon the way I call my god or you connect with your god. So I that really makes a lot of sense. I think