Anurag Singh
@its_me_patel_ · 2:29

Fat Shaming

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article image placeholderUploaded by @its_me_patel_
Okay, as we all know we have divided these class according to our weight less weight called as a patla middleweight and the overweight is called as mota something like this. The fourth reason is that wrong influential or social media feed in 2020 I deleted my Facebook account because of these feed and the influencer and after the banning of TikTok the instagram also become the same thing. And of course social media is really not looking into these matters because of course they are earning money from it
Abhishek Haridasan
@harryrockerz · 4:19

Let's not trivialize fat shaming!

A lot of people have trouble in weight management, and it becomes an even more bigger problem, especially considering the fact that fat shaming is tough for a lot of people. And a lot of people especially, I know, the ones who weren't tough enough went to the extent of taking their lives. So that's a painful truth
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Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 3:29
And until you feel healthy and you are happy, so no matter how fatty or how thin you are and nobody has right to comment on that. And each and every person is beautiful and the nature has blessed everyone, something or the other. And definitely nobody has right to comment anything. So this should not happen and everybody should be happy. And everybody has the right to get happiness. And whatever they want to wear, they can wear. And whatever they want to do, they can do
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 2:25


I mean, they could become super humans, superstar celebrities. But those comments stop them from doing anything special in life because they always feel that they are inferior, that they are lacking, that there's something wrong with them. And all because there was somebody who was very insensitive and did not know the difference between being gentle, being kind, and being rude. Somebody who did not know the basic manners, the basic etiquettes
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 2:21
I think all of us can agree it's not a nice thing. It is not a good thing. And even if somebody has issues where they themselves don't feel good about it, so fat shaming doesn't even help the person who may be obese wants to lose weight themselves. I don't know, man. It's like one of those things which can be really frustrating. But thanks, fat shaming about this and also for allowing us to share our thoughts on it as well
Shrawani Shravs
@castleofnovels · 1:06
And believe me, no one wants to become all right. But their health plays with them. So, my dear stranger, if you truly believe in Kamo, stop fat shaming act. Thank you. Tried this something on the topic? Thank you
Comments like this that I have seen professionally happening when the bride is sitting right there, I mean, hello, she is not deaf, she can hear you. How insensitive can your own family get? And I have always cut in, and I have always said, no, I think this is a very beautiful color, and this will definitely look really good on her. And I have tried to salvage the situation, but the damage is done
Anurag Singh
@its_me_patel_ · 1:31


Okay, first of all, so if I'm happy in my own way, there is a need to join someone's categories, okay? Because environment has balance. Everything, okay? Someone is slim, someone is fatty, someone is overweight. So these are categories. Everyone becomes slim. Then who will be the fat? Or if everyone will the fat, who will the slim? So everything is properly balanced here. And I am happy in my own way
Anurag Singh
@its_me_patel_ · 1:21


So this is very common, not in term of fat saving, not in term of study. In every steps they start comparing with someone's children like Uskabita Yakarowski beta so this is very common and to be honest, this need to stop because this is really hampering someone's life and even because of that, some people even don't want to attend the marriage or family gathering. This is real and coffee time meridostani bullock like I'm not joining because of these things