ishrat khan
@Ishratk · 4:13

Life is beautiful

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Salam. Namaste. Hello to all beautiful audience there. My Mumbai says as a self member, thank you. Love your life. Life is beautiful. Thank you once again


Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:25
Hi Shrith. First of all, welcome on Swell. Maybe for better or for worse, we don't get all the things we wish for. But I think that is life or kutch miljai though it teaches us how to be grateful for things. And I think Kisichikan NA Milnabhi teaches us how to be grateful. Because the value of it the value of getting your wish or your dreams fulfilled. And yes, zaru apkahengae or Via, please or VI thoughts, conversations Jovi helps share kapir his wellbeing
ishrat khan
@Ishratk · 0:49


Hi, Aishani. Thank you so much for your reply. Thank you so much for your encouragement. Valuable encouragement. Thank you so much