Anyway, I couldn't go out with friends unless he came with, and my friends could see right through him and they hated him. So knowing that he would always be with us, they stopped asking me to go anywhere with them. I wasn't allowed to have a personal email we had to have one together or not at all. I couldn't go anywhere without him going with me, even to the store to get my nails done or without him showing up. It was just nuts

#abusiverelationship #controllingmate #gettingout

Nikki Nastazio
@Imperfectionist · 4:59
He took my picture into every single store that he thought I might have gone into and asked if they had seen me, like I was a missing child on a milk carton. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. I wasn't allowed to wear certain clothes. God forbid if any cleavage or leg showed. I couldn't watch certain TV shows that I liked because he would always accuse me of checking the guys out
Nikki Nastazio
@Imperfectionist · 1:38
It's. Sorry. Got cut off again. Anyway, so what happened? Oh, so immediately immediately something what was I talking about? Oh, yeah, the phone company people said that the call was coming from the San Francisco Bay Area. Okay, whatever. But wasn't in San Francisco. And he wouldn't listen to anything I tried to explain because he just always knew better than I did