Lee Lee
@ILEAc22 · 4:58

Sobriety is my greatest journey

I'm sorry. And to all those I've ever loved and made it impossible to love me sometimes. Thank you anyway. Swell. The greatest adventure of my life so far is a journey I took before my sobriety and the journey I'm taking after my sobriety

#TellYourStory "The greatest adventure of my life" #DailyPrompt18Nov23

Felicia Seeds of Love
@FeliciaSL · 1:57
Commitments are so easy to make, but if we are equally not placing God ahead of us as hey, save me from myself, those commitments that become easy to make are then easy to break. So for me, my strength is in God. I fear God. I touched hell and I don't want to go back. And so my constant prayer and talk with God directly is for me to stay the course through willpower, obedience and discipline
Lee Lee
@ILEAc22 · 4:09


And so, yeah, I appreciate your answering my swell and responding. And I hope to go on your page and participate on one of your swells. And I hope that we can continue to dialogue back and forth. I hope that we both find it healing and encouraging to continue to speak through our journey of sobriety and whatever else is on our minds. Welcome to swell. And welcome to my swellcast. I appreciate you, Felicia. God bless and good night
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Felicia Seeds of Love
@FeliciaSL · 1:38


As you mentioned, this journey is so not easy. But, you know, God give his greatest battles to his strongest warriors, right? And he never forsake us. He send his earth angels like yourself, to just encourage, give that warmth of love, you know, the pureness and to be a beacon of inspiration. And that's what you are. And so many other, you know, people I've met so far on swale, I like this application because it's just genuine