Diana Hernandez
@iDianaHer · 1:37

#TellYourStory | I would not have believed it had I not been there myself...

You. I would not have believed it if I was not there myself. And it is the switch up that men have the power to do. Given that, I think it's a little harder for women because we're just innately expressive emotionally. But I've been in some heated conversations with men and how when a third person kind of comes into the picture, unexpectedly walks in the room or something, how quick that personality switches, like from evil nasty to calm cool collective. And it's crazy

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Mar1 @taylor

Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:37
It became not sustainable, I think, because of how they would behave in certain instances. And it's interesting because I feel like I would see them behave that way, to your point, with a lot of their girlfriends. And I was always in a relationship throughout college, so my girlfriend made it very clear what is okay and what's not
Belle 🍕
@ReySkywalker · 1:29
I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. And to be honest, I never actually thought about that. But my dad does the same thing. He'll be angry at me, yelling at me or something. And then when we're with somebody else, he'll just change up. He'll become the friendliest person you ever meet. But when he's angry, he's angry. And certainly I am. I'm not claiming to be no angel. My mood switches up, too