Ianthe Mauro
@iantheMauro · 1:39

Quote for today

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So if you are a very highly creative individual, if you're entrepreneurial, you know exactly what I mean. You build the plane while you fly it. Or in the case of this quote by Ray Bradbury, you're jumping off the cliff and you're building your wings and it works every time. The beautiful thing about this is we are not stopping ourselves, are we? When we get an idea, we don't stop with all the nose and negativity. We try it


Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 4:59


I so love that see me in the music world when you have an artist that when you have a writer and a producer, some people it's it's more normally a person would put music together and then they will have someone to write to the music. I'm a little different. I'm probably not the only one that's like this, but I always get producers to tell me to write to the music that they put together
Ianthe Mauro
@iantheMauro · 1:55


And writing words before music, music before words, whichever way it comes. I love the idea of words before music. I've written lyrics for songs, and I've written them where I hear the melody first and then the words come. And I've also done the other way, where I write the words and then hand it off to someone who does the melody. So I know what you mean about that, too. And I just encourage you to continue with this beautiful feeling that you received
Becky Butler
@bc75 · 1:35


And then once we get a project like you said, being creative, once we get a project or process in our mind, in our body and latch onto that and want to bring that into the fullness of our art, with the creation that we create, that we write, that we paint, that we share, that we speak. And there's so many ways for the arts to just bless so many people, music, everything. And just thank you for this