Bernard Harmon
@iambernard · 2:27

Question for the Ladies

Well, good morning, Swell. This is yours truly, Bernard Harmon. I have a question, and I had someone ask me, and I really couldn't give them a clear answer to this question, and it's regarding the online dating. So, ladies, I really, really need your assistance this morning me to better get an understanding of why this happened and how I can tell my client why. So I said, let me put it on Swell and see what the lady says

Online Dating

Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 2:24
Why is it that you all give the woman your number instead of asking the woman for her number? That's something I don't understand either. So that's just me, the queen. We all have our different views. I'm not wrong and you're not right wrong either. We're both right on how we feel of what we require. So when a man asks, can we talk? And even if he asks, Can I give you my number?
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:37
And then if that progresses to phone numbers and things like that, then you can go that route. But as far as a lot of women, especially if they're older women, they believe in the traditional, the man leads. And so she's probably believing that the man should be asking for her phone number and not her calling him. And so that could be why she responded with her phone number instead of just taking his number and calling him
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Bernard Harmon
@iambernard · 2:17
I can say that I experienced myself asking a woman to have your number and to be like, I don't get my number out. Okay. But so a man in that sense would say, well, here's my number. You call me when you read to talk. We can keep on chatting online, but here's my number when you're ready to talk. But I agree with you. No one is right, no one is wrong, either way it goes
Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 3:13
That's the way I look at it. Because I want someone who has the initiative to stand and I can be proud of I want to be proud of a man. Now, people always ask me what you want to do. I want a man to say, hey, babe, get dressed. I got plans. Today you've took control. Now, I understand sometimes you want me to take control
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