

I am new to soil. My name is Banga and I was just listening to a discussion about gratitude. And I'm not sure how to respond on to any discussion. I'll be part of it. So I'm just going to put my two cent in that discussion. And that discussion was about gratitude. Most of the discussion was about gratitude towards God
It might not be what I want, but it's what I need, and I'm grateful for that. So it's just there are things I'm grateful for. My kids, my grandkids. We focus a lot on things that we don't have or the struggles that we're going through and forget to just be grateful for. Just being able to wake up, just being able to sleep on a bed with covers and sleep. We are not safe anywhere, everywhere
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:12
So there's no longer that sense of urgency that I have to be home on Wednesday by 07:00 p.m.. Because at 08:00 p.m.. My show that comes on once a week. One episode a week will be on. Or I have my VCR and I've recorded it. And I have to watch it at some point in my week because before I can record next week's episode. I need to watch this so that I make sure I have enough space on the tape to record