Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 1:18

EMOTIONAL ABUSE | #TellYourStory - What led you to the Realization that it was time for you to ask for help?

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Welcome to where the light gets in. This week we are looking at the topic of emotional abuse, and it's a difficult topic, but some of you have been really generous to offer up your stories and create a really great space for conversation and a sense of safety. So thank you to all of you who've spoken about this before. Today is kind of a day that we focus on stories, specifically stories that help us really drop into each other's lived experiences

#EmotionalAbuse #Help #Recovery #psychology #Counseling

Nupur Upadhyaya
@Nupz33 · 4:57
But in this particular case, they got caught out really, really fast. And the whole family was a family of groups, honestly. And the emotional manipulation they did, the kind of anxiety inducing, pressurizing thing, it completely broke her. Broke her so much that she never recovered from that initially. And because she never asked for help or see, it's difficult to realize it. Sometimes we can't categorize it. We don't realize that it is abuse
Mental Wellness Stories
@hope · 1:07


I'm sure it's not a thing you'd perhaps want to do because it feels like you're talking about her, but you also are witnessing her and validating her. It's very powerful. Thank you so much for telling us this