Norma Angelica
@Honeybun · 2:07

Avoiding negativity

Good afternoon, people. I would like to share my thoughts in something that is oppressing me. Like every time I log into Facebook or any other social media platform, all I see is negative news about people dying. About things that I cannot do anything about. People starving, people dying of cancer, people that dying in an accident that it could have been avoid. And it just put me full of sadness because I feel so hopeless that I cannot help these people
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:14
So I try to balance what I take in and then also try to find ways to take action or steps or to do something that I can, if it's something in the world that I'm able to help in that way. But yeah, sometimes just hearing the news, it's like, oh, just about any little thing on Facebook or someone else, not even someone you may know you're friends with, but it's like someone else's friend