Diana N
@homewithdiana · 4:25

Hosting Sans Alcohol

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I don't drink alcohol. I never have. And any time in my life that there's a situation with alcohol, either I try to, a, decline the invitation or b, just steer clear of the bar area or anyone I think is intoxicated, that's just a personal choice. I stay away from it, and then people who I see inebriated. But the challenge is when I actually have to host guests and almost no one I know doesn't drink. Everyone I know drinks

#host #hosting #hostess #guests #dining #home

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:08
Yeah, I think it's really nice to host sober parties or. Yeah, parties without alcohol, maybe sober sounds too, like, scary for people who feel like they really want to be drinking at social things, but, yeah, I like it because it's like a change of pace and. Yeah, like, doing games or creating some sort of special activity that you do is a nice distraction. It's a nice. Yeah, just a change of pace. And I also