infamous pookie
@Hoe_society · 5:00

Pod_log_5- My master plan is almost in motion

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So the one that I actually am working on now is call affiliate marketing program called CPA Grip or CPA Lead. CPA Grip and Lead are kind of neck and once they get gain information like just emails, we just want emails. So just for gaining your email, I have an offer for you. So I have a $750 what is it? PayPal giveaway, you know what I'm saying? In your email

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infamous pookie
@Hoe_society · 4:59
Okay, y'all, I'm back. So, yeah, I was going against how affiliate marketing has been going for me and I really oh my gosh, it has been a journey in the last two months. I've learned so much, you know what I'm saying? But I finally got every piece to the puzzle and the puzzle finally fits the missing link. It's me