Gene White
@hijackmylife · 4:52

Why I started my podcast

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We're talking about almost ten years now, but 2014 was called Front of the Class. And one of the things that I really loved about making music was that it allowed me to tell a story. It allowed me to speak truth from my vantage point, and sometimes it came from not necessarily personal experiences, but from observation of others

#podcast #entrpreneur #getstarted

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:36
But you seem super authentic and your message is pure and you really make me want to listen to your podcast because it is this Microcast. I like how you call that. I've never heard that before, but that's definitely what it is. I think there's so much can be done here with that and kind of building that audience and it doesn't always need to be pushed outside of this application, although I understand there's a demand for it
Gene White
@hijackmylife · 1:40


Hey man, I definitely appreciate the warm words, the sentiments. I mean, talk about being appreciative in this time of gratefulness and Thanksgiving and you know, definitely I was having a great day and just going back and listening to this message just now from you, it actually made my day better. I appreciate that. You actually kind of got the message behind just the humanism in sharing why I started the podcast itself
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