Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:29

Like a Butterfly is Actually Deliciously SWEET! Vol. 1

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So the series is called like a butterfly because she no longer wants to be a flower sitting around waiting. She wants to be a butterfly and be drawn to this guy. She's drawn to this quiet guy like a butterfly. So it's a very beautiful story. I'm not done with volume one yet. I'm still reading it. But so far the story is very beautiful. I love the artwork. I love the concept behind it because the young guy, he's very quiet

Amazon Affiliate Link to Manga👉🏽 https://amzn.to/3tRCrBs , #Manga #shojo #teen

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:24
That seems like an interesting read. Yeah. I mean, I don't really read mangas, but I. You made me want to read this one. Like, I want to see what's up with it. So I'm definitely probably gonna try it out and see what's up with it, because that sounds interesting. I mean. Yeah, see, now you got me wanting to get another book
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Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:46


And so this one is actually really good. I like it because it's reading with pictures or reading with art. So the great thing about these mangas is that any age can enjoy them. And this one is really sweet so far because now I'm invested in this series. I want to know, is the guy going to reciprocate to the beautiful girl? Because he's like the first guy that she even made eye contact with and that she even remotely to think about?